Thursday, April 13, 2006

'I like to move-it, move-it, I like to move-it, move-it..."

Anyone see Madagascar, or is the song lost on you all?? While I didn't get any good exercise in yesterday, I did go for a 9-mile bike ride Tuesday. It's the first real ride I've taken in a while, and it was very nice to be out and about with my good ole' buddy again!! I do think she needs some air in her tires, or I need newer legs (It was much harder going uphill than I remember...)

I discovered a trail that I might just check out someday - but it scares me a bit to think about going it alone... for no other reason than I fear finding critters along my way - its a horse trail, walking trail and bike path - and it goes out into the washes of the desert. Where SNAKES live... I've run into a snake from horseback once - that was terrifying enough - from bike-level, I think I'd have a heart attack right there...

But the trail looks really interesting and it would be a nice change of pace to be out among "nature" for a bit... just not too much nature, you know??

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