Thursday, October 27, 2005

Work week #1 over and out..

This was the week I'd been dreading for months - my first day back at work. There are many reasons why I was dreading Monday: leaving my 2 month old baby, leaving my 5 mo old puppy to her own devices (would the house still be standing when I got home??), retuning to the Middle School when I'd vowed before God and my colleagues that I would not be going back there, and the overall fear that I did indeed deliver both a baby and my brain on August 15th.

The good news - it was not nearly as bad as I'd feared. I will try to post more this weekend, but suffice it to say that other than cleaning up a few piles of poop (from the 5 mo old, not the 2 mo old!) and nearly missing the bus, all is going smoothly!!


Rox said...

I'm glad it went well Samantha. I've been thinking about you.

Tina said...

Congrats on a successful return to work...I'm certainly not looking forward to that time either. (HUGS)

Nancy said...

Wow, two months have gone by since Chris's birth! Hope your return to work went smoothly and you are enjoying the relative peace of the workplace!

Bren said...

Wow, I didn't realize this was the week! ((HUGS)) glad you made it through.