Confession: I did not make it to the gym every day this week.
Successive Approximation: I did go Monday, Wednesday and today.
Confession: I did not get in my 15 miles this week.
Successive Approximation: I did walk/jog over 3 miles each time out, was able to increase my endurance noticably each time, and today was able to keep up a steady jogging/running pace for 1.5 miles!! I walked the rest of it and finished up at 3.25 miles. I have also finished 4 loads of laundry, moved the living room furniture around so that we hide the disaster-sofa ala Schooner, vacummed top to bottom two times, and even had time to get the carpets cleaned and play with the kids.
Successive Approximation: Yesterday, I got on the scale and had lost 2.5 pounds!
Confession: Today, I had gained 2 of it back. At least it didn't bring friends!
Musings from the world of parenting three boys, being the mom of a Type 1 Diabetic, public education, and whatever else falls out of my head.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Summer Shape Up
Today we were back to swim lessons and the gym. Our gym is really cool - I've got to admit it... they have a salon and massage therapist on site, not that I have taken advantage of either. They have both a dry sauna and steam room, both of which I have taken advangate of (however, the dry sauna seems reduntant this time of year) and they have a program called "FIT KIDS". Its a free gym-style class for the kids, daily!! How cool is that? I get my workout in, and the boys get some training in as well, get to run themselves silly and release all the energy that is pent-up because we are hunkered down for the long hard summer!
Workout update: All 4 days last week. Again today - 50 minutes, treadmill, 3.5 miles (2.3 under 30 minutes, so not setting the world on fire, but much better than Friday). Using the Arbonne protein plan on the weekends and at least once a meal during the week. Down 1.5lbs.
Workout update: All 4 days last week. Again today - 50 minutes, treadmill, 3.5 miles (2.3 under 30 minutes, so not setting the world on fire, but much better than Friday). Using the Arbonne protein plan on the weekends and at least once a meal during the week. Down 1.5lbs.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Ahhh, summer!!

Its Friday, and we've officially been on summer vacation for 2 weeks. I'm rested, caught up on laundry (other than folding and putting away), made it to the gym every day this week (yeah me!!) and am ready for the boys to go back to school already!
Ok - well, not really. I suppose I will keep them with me, but I think they are starting to go a bit stir crazy already, and we have about 8 weeks left until school begins again.
Two days after the last day of school, we hopped on a plane. We spent a week in Montana with Steve's family. The boys enjoyed tormenting their older cousins and Christopher was spoiled beyond belief! We were actually COOL (Dare I say COLD?) for a few days, and the high was never above 82*!! Matthew wanted to see snow, so we drove up to the Beartooth Mountains and saw snow... certainly not a sight you will see in Arizona during any of the summer months! From the look of glee on his face, I think the snow-thing was a hit.

We are back home - the boys are taking swimming lessons, even Christopher (water acclimation classes - with me - a good excuse to get wet and stay cool while the big brothers learn their swimming strokes) and we are hitting the gym. DAILY. Again - yeah me!! It is staying right around 110. Yuck. Our lows for the day (you know - the 3am temps) are still higher than the highest high's we experienced in MT. We are also expecting a bit if a tropical storm thing-y this weekend, so its muggy as well as hot. So - who's up for a visit to Scottsdale???
Today I met my friend Karen at the gym after swimming lessons, and we "ran" together. Karen ran - my really out of shape heart let me sprint a few times, but I can't say I ran... jogged, sprinted once or twice, walked a lot... but did 3 miles and change, so that's good. Of course, listened to my ego rather than my head, and so now I have a exercise-induced migraine - someday I will learn...Maybe!
Destruction update from Schooner. Upon our departure for MT, Schooner was a bit miffed and worked on more of the living room sofa. One half is now without fabric and one pillow has been shredded on two sides. Considering we were away for a week, (despite having a house sitter) I suppose I can be thankful that the damage was not worse!! She's such a doll.... until you leave. I think we have a Jeckel/Hyde thing going on here!
Oh - and an update on snake sightings in Scottsdale - Mom found a 5'6" one in her back yard - ON THE ROCKS where they are NOT supposed to like to slither. Steve saw the one baby rattler in our back yard before we left for Montana but (knock on wood) has not seen one since. Have I mentioned that I hate slithering critters?? Cuz - I really do!!! I much prefer the critters you would see here.... Horses, cows, squirrels, birds.. I like those critters!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Home is where your heart is
Or, at least where all your boxes are... and for now, that home remains the school I've been at for the last 4 years. I am so thankful that it all worked out - while I had made myself mentally OK with the move should that be what infact happened, I am very relieved to know that I will be staying put.
I spoke with the Principal today - the one who will be covering for both schools as our campus transitions to a K-8, and we just needed to fine tune some scheduling things, but it looks like that happened!! I get to stay with the staff I know, a curriculim I know, and kids I know, working with a population that I really enjoy!! My day will end later than I had hoped (2:30 rather than 1:30) but it will still give me enough time to leave campus, get Christopher and still make it home for the two older bambinos as they get off the bus!
Oh - and a check of the weather - still well over 100* every day this last week, actually hit 112* over the weekend... and its about 87* by the time I leave for work in the morning. My days of getting up early to go for a walk/job are least until fall!!
I spoke with the Principal today - the one who will be covering for both schools as our campus transitions to a K-8, and we just needed to fine tune some scheduling things, but it looks like that happened!! I get to stay with the staff I know, a curriculim I know, and kids I know, working with a population that I really enjoy!! My day will end later than I had hoped (2:30 rather than 1:30) but it will still give me enough time to leave campus, get Christopher and still make it home for the two older bambinos as they get off the bus!
Oh - and a check of the weather - still well over 100* every day this last week, actually hit 112* over the weekend... and its about 87* by the time I leave for work in the morning. My days of getting up early to go for a walk/job are least until fall!!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
I've been going back and forth with various Principals and the school district over where, exactly, I will be working in the fall. So, today I get this from the Director of Special Education:
<< "I did receive your messages but have been trying to catch up on issues since I returned. I spoke with both Principal A... {Read crazy-crazy lady) and B...(Cool principal) this morning. SN...(Principal who won't release me) was also a part of this conversation. I know that you and Marla have spoken and at this point in time, your transfer to Desert Canyon Elem School seems the most appropriate. Although there appears to be a 1.5 LRC staffing allocation at CRMS, that is subject to change with fluctuation in enrollment. The position at DCES is solidified and you will be working with a very experienced and strong LRC teacher. I know this will be a very positive experience both with the staff and the administration. I will also ask our curriculum specialists to support you with whatever materials or classroom support you need. Thank you.>>"
So, basically, Lois, you are telling me that I have NO say in where I work next year.
This fight is SO not over...
<< "I did receive your messages but have been trying to catch up on issues since I returned. I spoke with both Principal A... {Read crazy-crazy lady) and B...(Cool principal) this morning. SN...(Principal who won't release me) was also a part of this conversation. I know that you and Marla have spoken and at this point in time, your transfer to Desert Canyon Elem School seems the most appropriate. Although there appears to be a 1.5 LRC staffing allocation at CRMS, that is subject to change with fluctuation in enrollment. The position at DCES is solidified and you will be working with a very experienced and strong LRC teacher. I know this will be a very positive experience both with the staff and the administration. I will also ask our curriculum specialists to support you with whatever materials or classroom support you need. Thank you.>>"
So, basically, Lois, you are telling me that I have NO say in where I work next year.
This fight is SO not over...
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