I meant to blog from the road - really - I had posts lolling around in my head as I ran. Cute, witty snippets with observations of life in general and how ones perspective can change when you take the time to look around...
Good intentions. That never came to fruition... oh, if I had a dime for every time that has happened...
We drove from La Jolla to Santa Monica on Friday with a quick detour through Orange, CA so that the boys could meet their future wives, the Domer girls. Ken and his family opened their home for a nice mid-trip visit, and I marvel at the ease with which children interact with other children. Only little Lilly, the youngest of the bunch, was overcome with the chaos that is the Jensen boys. Parker cracked me up - evidently, he felt that Molly really liked him, but he liked Cassie. In fact, his words were "I mean, really, what's NOT to like about Cassie". Sorry Ken - you might just need to lock her up if we come visit again!!
On Saturday, we spent the morning at the beach. Santa Monica beach is very wide, and very long, and surprisingly clean. The seaweed must prefer the surf further south because it was all bunched up in La Jolla, and practically absent up north. We had lunch with Greg, my friend from SC. I got to meet his wife and his new little baby... and again, the boys made themselves right at home. I was quite impressed with Greg's ability to handle the noise from the movie playing in the background, the music playing in the kitchen, the screams and shreiks of my children and still carry on a conversation. He also had some very exciting news (something about being nominated for an EMMY!!) and I am just tickled for him!!
When we left there, we went to USC for the obligatory picture of the kids in front of Tommy and a trip to the bookstore. The boys were in heaven surrounded by all the SC stuff - shirts, balls, helmets, sweatshirts, bags.... I was impressed that we left with as few things as we did! Parker would have purchased the store if he could!
Dinner that night was with Carrie - my roomie of 2 years - and her family. We dined outside in Malibu while the kids (*all 6 of them!) played... her dad joined us, and that was a real treat for me... She and I shared the "somewhat older dad" connection and I just adore her father. He reminds me very much of my own dad. After dinner, we spent some time on the beach and its wonderful how easy it is to be with her and how beautifully the rest of the family gets along!
We had a wonderful time. Makes coming home harder when you are not ready to leave, but it also gives us motivation to get back out there again. It was a time away that we all needed, and I am going to make sure we do it again soon! Friendships are too important to see each other once every 10 years. Now that the car knows the way, we may just find ourselves heading back West sometime again soon.