Water was rushing down the street so fast it looked like we'd be carried out to sea... so much for my connection to a snappy (albeit hijacked) title.
Tomorrow is my race. ACK! I needed to run some errands and Matthew wanted mommy/Matthew time, so I had him come along with me on said errands. I rue the day that he actually wants to DO something rather than think its just way too cool to be with me regardless of the mundane tasks we must finish...
I ventured into unchartered waters (see, another SEA analogy!!) to go to a place called the Runners Den. I've heard of this place from folks around me who like to run and have been told I MUST go there to get the proper shoes. Have not done so yet. Runners Den sounded a bit too frightening so I avoided it until now.
Having no choice, Matthew and I went to Phoenix so that I could get my t-shirt and my number for tomorrow's race. There were about a gagillion people there and while waiting in line to complete my purchase (a black hat with pink ribbon and some lucky socks) a girl who was volunteering outside came in and told the manager to call 911 because there was smoke billowing into the sky just about a block away.
Yes... house was on fire, First Responders were already on the scene - don't worry.
Matthew and I complete our transactions and head for home. We can see the plumes of smoke and Matthew comments that it smells like a hot-dog. I can only presume he associates the burning smell with the bar-b-que (and no, that is not commentary on Steve's skills as Grillmaster!). As we pass the street all a flutter with activity, I get a strange idea to see if we can get close...
We circle the block and are able to park. We're only about 2 houses from the one causing such a ruccous. The fire is mostly out now and neighbors are gathered about watching the firemen and police (and utility workers) so Matthew and I stroll up to a good spot and watch.
We were right next to the fire trucks and the firefighters and Matthew was in hog heaven. T-H-E-N.... A local news truck drove up - a news channel we usually watch - and Matthew wanted to go investigate. He was fascinated by the big camera, and the cameraman asked if Matthew wanted to be on TV. Are you kidding me?? He jumped at the chance, so the cameraman told him to go watch the firefighters... and he got some good footage and long story not-so-short, Matthew made the 6:00 news!!
If that weren't cool enough... the firefighters had Matthew help them empty water from the hoses and "help" bring them back to the truck! I think he was on cloud nine for the rest of the day!!